Michael De Marie                                                                                 Updated: 16 OCT 2015

Airman: o888050.htm Surname: De Marie Init: M Rank: S/Sgt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 509

P_link: p326.htm Plane: B17 42-38005 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: At Østerholm, Als

Crash_d: d240544 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

B17 42-38005 Stormy Weather var efter et bombetogt til Berlin nødt til at nødlande her den 24. maj 1944 kl. 14:25 som beskrevet ved flyet.

8 besætningsmedlemmer sprang ud med faldskærm over Svenstrup, og Captain Robert B. Clay og Co-pilot 1.st Lieutenant Frank Hatten nødlandede flyet på kun en motor under dramatiske omstændigheder.

Hele besætningen overlevede tysk fangenskab og vendte hjem til USA efter krigen. Captain Robert B. Clay og Co-pilot 1.st Lieutenant Frank Hatten var i Stalag Luft III.

Staff Sergeant (bugskytte) Michael De Marie var fra White Plains, New York, USA.

Se tegning af besætningen på en B-17, Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i airmen.dk samt B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner. Se Tyske krigsfangelejre.
Se mindesmærket rejst her og
Stormy Weather - Photos. Flere links ved B17 42-38005 Stormy Weather. 10 flyvere.

After a bombing raid to Berlin
B17 42-38005 Stormy Weather had to crash land here on 24 May, 1944 at 1425 hrs as described at the plane.

8 of the crew bailed out over the village of Svenstrup and Captain Robert B. Clay and Co-pilot 1.st Lieutenant Frank Hatten crash-landed "Stormy Weather" under dramatic circumstances with only one engine running.

The entire crew survived as POWs in Germany and returned to USA after the war. Captain Robert B. Clay and Co-pilot 1.st Lieutenant Frank Hatten went to Stalag Luft III.

Staff Sergeant (Ball Turret Gunner) Michael De Marie was from White Plains, New York, USA.

See a drawing of the crew of a B-17*Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in airmen.dk*B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner*German POW-Camps.
See the memorial erected here, Stormy Weather - Photos and Stalag III. More links at B17 42-38005 Stormy Weather.