John Robert Tree*Fotos*JRT*Familie 1942*Flyverdragt*Besætning*83 Squadron*Niecer ved grav 2022*Familie 2022  Updated: 12 APR 2023
John Robert Tree*Photos*
JRT* Family 1942*Flying suit*Crew*83 Squadron*Nieces at grave 2022*Family 2022             LAN JB412

John and his father Arthur Tree

Foto fra Lorelle og Dianne. John og hans far Arthur i 1942. 

Photo from Lorelle and Dianne. John and his father Arthur in 1942.

Siblings and mother

Foto fra Lorelle og Dianne.
Hazel (søster, senere mor til Dianne og Lorelle), Arthur (bror) John Tree
(på orlov hos familien i 1942), Rachel (mor) og Annie (søster).

Photo from Lorelle and Dianne.
Hazel (sister, later the mother of Dianne and Lorelle), Arthur (brother) John Tree
(on leave with family in 1942), Rachel (mother) and Annie (sister).