B 17G 42-37876 - The Baltic Sea south of Bornholm  See also p297 B17 42-31427  Updated: 12 AUG 2021

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
e777131.htm Cartrite H L S/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
u094001.htm Janofsky D 2ndLt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 b140444 c094.htm (Svaneke)
e777127.htm Kress HSP 2ndLt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777129.htm Messmer W R S/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777783.htm Murray R C T/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777130.htm Passero A S/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777133.htm Phillips E L S/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777132.htm Saunders F J S/Sgt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777126.htm Schiappacasse E T 2ndLt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e777128.htm Taylor G 2ndLt USAAF 412 p293.htm B17 4237876 Bomb G Sea S of Bornholm d110444 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM

B17 42-37876 var den 11. april 1944 med start fra basen Horham på bombetogt til Poznan. (Kilde: FT 87-92-3)

"Under indflyvningen fløj formationen langs den nordtyske kyst. Ud for Kolberg (Kolobrzeg) blev den angrebet af tyske jagere, der skød raketter ind i formationen.
42-37876 blev kort efter ramt i venstre vinge og gled ud af formationen, og 10 udfoldede faldskærme blev observeret. Liget af Co-Pilot 2nd Lt David Janofsky blev
indbragt til Svaneke (her) den 12. april 1944 af kutteren "Anna", der havde fået flyveren overbragt fra det tyske skib "Josef Stadtland". Den forulykkede blev begravet
den 14. april på Svaneke kirkegård af den tyske værnemagts feltpræst. De øvrige 9 besætningsmedlemmer har ingen kendt grav." (FT 87-92-3) Mere i p293MACR.

Se tegning af besætningen på en B-17, Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i airmen.dk samt B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner. 10 flyvere.

Starting from Horham Airfield on 11 April 1944 B17 42-37876 was on a bombing raid on Poznan. (Source: FT 87-92-3)

"The formation flew along the coast of North Germany during the approach. Off Kolberg (Kolobrzeg) it was attacked by German fighters that shot rockets into
the formation. Shortly after
42-37876 was hit in the left wing and drifted out of the formation, and 10 unfolded parachutes were observed. The body of Co-Pilot 2nd Lt
David Janofsky was brought to Svaneke (here) on 12 April 1944 by the cutter "Anna" to which the German ship "Josef Stadtland" had transferred the body. The
deceased was buried on 14 April 1944 in Svaneke Churchyard by the Army chaplain of the German Wehrmacht. The other 9 crew members have no known grave."
(FT 87-92-3) More in p293MACR.

See a drawing of the crew of a B-17, Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in airmen.dk and B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner.
This B-17 belonged to 412th Bomb Squadron, 95th Bombardment Group, 13th Combat Bombardment Wing, 3rd Bombardment Division, 8th Air Force, USAAF.
See 95th Bomb Group Horham.  10 airmen.