Andelskassen i Frederiks - Account for a memorial stone in Grønhøj På dansk Updated:  14 JUN 2013

The public subscription for Lancaster R5679 Memorial stone has been reported to the police to show that we follow the standard rules.
The Lancaster Team comprising Anders Straarup, Randers, Gerhardt Hørdum and Knud Gaarn-Larsen, Frederiks will see to that.

Work by the monumental mason. (The stone, transport and erection is donated!)
Expenses for an RAF Memorial Room in a part of the stable at Grønhøj Kro.
Expenses concerning a ceremony of unveiling. Floral greetings to Allied airmen.
A bit hard to estimate the necessary budget, but it will be less than DKR 15,000 and maybe even less than DKR 10,000.
The subscription will be stopped when we reach the amount of the budget that has not yet been worked out.

Contributions may come from persons, companies, funds and others in the area or in the rest of Denmark - and abroad, particularly from relatives of these airmen.
This is a common project. That is why contributions from Denmark and from abroad are important. All donations are welcome.

We commemorate these 7 airmen but indirectly we commemorate all Allied airmen who fought for their own country and for Denmark.
Will you also give a donation for a memorial to Allied airmen?

Contributions may be transferred to
Andelskassen i Frederiks   IBAN No. DK6859590008026314   SWIFT Adr. DANBDK22

The balance will be updated continuously. Last transactions on 14 June 2013. All bills have been paid! The account closed.

Balance 25 November 2012:             DKK  110
-             28 -                2012:             -        310
-               7 December 2012:             -        610
-             11 -                                     -      1,110
-             12 -                                     -      2,568.29
-             28 -                                     -      3,568.29
-              2 January 2013                  -      4,068.29
-              4 -                                      -      4,673.79
-              4 -                                             5,992.28
-              8 -                                             6,282.28
-              9 -                                             6,332.28
-            14 -                                             6,443.41
-            21 -                                             6,643.41
-            25 -                                             7,417.08
-            28 -                                           12,417.08
-            31 -                                           12,617.08
-            26 February 2013                      13,187.08
-            27 -                                           14,881.38
-             6  March 2013                          14,178.88
-            15-  -                                         15,178.88
-            27-  -                                         17,178.88
-              3 April 2013                              7,178.88
-             15 May                                      8,872,44
-             29 -                                            6,324.44
-             30 -                                            5,337.44  
-               3 June                                     3,966.19
-             10 -                                            2,466.19
-             14 -                                            2,277,19
-             14 -                                                  0,00