E. T. Tunstall - Tysk brev 1944 - German letter in 1944 Updated: 07 APR 2019   På dansk / In English  Photo from Neil Smith

Den 13. august 1944 nødlandede HAL MZ349 i Nordsøen.
Edmund Thomas Tunstall drev ind på Fanø.
Han blev begravet på stedet.

Se dokumenter fra Neil Smith 51 History Society, 51 Squadron.com
om ham:
Et tysk brev af 13. december 1944 fremhæver at folk på Fanø slet ikke
kunne lide begravelser på stranden.

Et brev fra Air Ministry af 20. marts 1946 fastslår at Tunstall blev begravet
på stranden og beviste det ved at vedlægge hans runde ID-skilt, se foto. (Det smager stadig af salt fra havet!)
Et afsluttende brev fra Air Ministry af 12. juni 1947 fastslår,
at det ikke har været muligt at finde E. T. Tunstall
"utvivlsomt på grund af den bestandigt skiftende strand forårsaget af
tidevand og vind."

On 13 August 1944 HAL MZ349 ditched in the North Sea.
Edmund Thomas Tunstall was washed ashore on Fanø.
He was buried on the spot.

See documents from Neil Smith 51 History Society, 51 Squadron.com
about him:
A German letter of 13 December 1944 emphasizes that people on Fanø
did absolutely not approve burials on the beach.

A letter from the Air Ministry of 20 March 1946 states that Tunstall was buried on the beach. His Identification Disc, see photo was recovered
by the Germans and it was enclosed in the letter. (It still has a taste of
salt from the sea!)
A final letter from the Air Ministry of 12 June 1947 states that it has been impossible to find E. T. Tunstall "undoubtedly due to the ever changing conformation of the beach caused by the actions of the tides and winds."