Svinø 2009 I                                    See also Photos 2                                         Updated:  08 MAY 2009











Fra mindehøjtidelighed for allierede flyvere på Svinø Kirkegård den 4. maj 2009 om aftenen på samme måde som i 2003 som vist på kirkens hjemmeside.
Mange mennesker samledes ved gravene for de allierede flyvere efter gudstjenesten i Svinø Kirke ved provst, sognepræst Mette Magnusson.
Flyvevåbnet lavede 1. overflyvning med 4 lette skolefly T-17, SAAB Supporter, hvor 1 af de 4 fly brød ud af formationen for at symbolisere et tabt fly.
I 2. overflyvning er formationen igen fuldtallig for at vise, at nye mænd og maskiner erstatter tab.
CLAN ROSE PIPES & DRUMS of DENMARK spillede  "The battle is over", "Amazing grace" og andre melodier. Se de mange kranse.

On 4 May 2009 this memorial ceremony to allied airmen in Svinø Churchyard took place in the evening just as in 2003 as shown on the church website.
Many people gathered at the graves of the allied airmen after the memorial service in Svinø Church by Rural Dean, Vicar Mette Magnusson.
The Royal Danish Air Force made the first fly-past with 4 light training aircraft T-17, SAAB Supporter, where 1 of the 4 planes broke out of the formation to
symbolize a lost plane.
The formation is complete again in the second fly-past to show that new men and planes take over, when planes are lost.
CLAN ROSE PIPES & DRUMS of DENMARK played "The battle is over", "Amazing grace" and other tunes. See the many wreaths.