CS 8

1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6

8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13

P396 HAL MZ924


Christian Sørensen
27 JUL 2005

Updated: 20 JAN 2018  

Halifax III MZ924 KN-D
Google Map p396.

Del af halepartiet
Da vraget blev
genfundet i 2004 var det denne del af halepartiet
der først blev fundet. Siden dukkede flere og flere dele
op indtil det stod klart at
der var tale om en
Halifax B III.

Part of the tail
This part of the tail was the first part discovered
when the wreck was found
in 2004. More and more
parts were found until it
was clear that it was the remaining’s of a
Halifax B III.