P396 CS 3

1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6

8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13

P396 HAL MZ924


Christian Sørensen
28 JUL 2005
Updated: 20 JAN 2018  

Halifax III MZ924 KN-D
Google Map p396.

Fra havbunden
"Et af flyets i alt fem
Halifax B III-flyet var
udstyret med et gevær
i snuden, to i tårnet
midt i flyet og to i halen."
Faktisk 9 geværer.
Se Tårne og
Halifax III MP-B.

From the sea bed
"One of the five machine
guns of this plane.
The Halifax B III-plane
had one gun at the nose,
two in the Dorsal Turret
and two at the tail."
Actually 9 guns.
See Turrets and
Halifax III MP-B.