William J. Bates                                                                                        Updated: 12 AUG 2019

Airman: e223001.htm Surname: Bates Init: W J Rank: Cpl Service: RAF Sqdn: 42

P_link: p008.htm Plane: BFO L9810 Operation: Not DK / G Crash_site: The North Sea

Crash_d: d210640 Buried_d: e223 C_link: e223.htm At_Next: NORWAY

"I forbindelse med et bombeangreb på det tyske slagskib "Scharnhorst", der efter at have fået svære skader i en træfning ved Nordnorge den 8. juni 1940
havde sat kursen mod syd, blev et Beaufort fly fra RAF ramt og styrtede i havet.

Flyets navigatør, M.A. Butler blev sidst i august 1940 fundet på Madsbøl Strand i Hjardemål Klit." (FAF)
Butler må være fundet omkring her omkring 2,5 km nordvest for kirken. Han blev begravet på Hjardemål Klit Kirkegård den 27. august 1940.

Sergeant William John Bates, 21 år, var søn af John og Hilda Alice Bates, Porchester, Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom. Hans bror Raymond Leonard
faldt også. Han hviler på Haugesund (Rossebo) Vor Frelsers  Cemetery i Norge, British Plot, J. 13.
(Kilde: CWGC)

Søg Scharnhorst i Google for at se mere.

Fra BFO L9810 blev 1 flyver begravet i Hjardemål Klit Kirkegård, 1 i Haugesund i Norge og 2 har ingen kendt grav. 4 flyvere.

"In connection with a bombing raid on the German battle ship "Scharnhorst", which after having had severe damages in an engagement at the northern part
of Norway on 8 June 1940 had set course south, a Beaufort plane from the RAF was hit and crashed into the sea." (FAF)

Sergeant William John Bates, 21, was the son of John and Hilda Alice Bates, of Porchester, Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom.
His brother Raymond Leonard also fell. He rests in Haugesund (Rossebo) Vor Frelsers  Cemetery in Norway, British Plot, J. 13. (Source: CWGC)

Search Scharnhorst in Google for more.

From BFO L9810  1 airman was buried in Hjardemål Klit, 1 in Haugesund in Norway and 2 have no known grave.

This Bristol Beaufort was from RAF Coastal Command. See  No. 42 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * Traces of World War 2 RAF No. 42 Squadron.
Beaufort I L9810 AW-M took off from RAF Wick at 14.21 hrs. on 21 JUN 1940 to attack the Scharnhorst.
(Source: Aircrew Remembered has this and Archive Report.)                                                      4 airmen.