Adam Anderson - Lemvig                                              Updated:  12 MAY 2023 

Adam Anderson Pilots Wings Foto af
Adam Anderson
med Pilot's Wings
fra hans nevø
Colin Henderson.

Han sendte også
9 fotos fra

Photo of
Adam Anderson
with Pilot's Wings
from his nephew
Colin Henderson.

He also sent
9 photos from
the funeral with
the captions


4 flyvere fra LAN ED620 blev begravet på Lemvig Kirkegård 24 APR 1943.
Adam Anderson
William Alexander Cook
Gordon Joseph Evans
Adam Telfer

Klik på fotos, et ad gangen, og klik Tilbage. Så det næste foto.
1 I kirken
2 Ved kapellet
3 Kirken forlades
4 Til gravene
5 Nær gravene
6 Kiste sænkes
7 Kistebærere
8 Æresgarde
9 Æressalut

4 airmen of LAN ED620 was buried in Lemvig Cemetery on 24 APR 1943.
Adam Anderson
William Alexander Cook
Gordon Joseph Evans
Adam Telfer

Click on the photos, one by one, and click return. Then the next photo.
1 Inside Church
2 Door of Chapel
3 Leaving church
4 Walk to grave
5 Walk to the grave
6 Laying coffin
7 Burial party
8 Guard of honour
9 Gun salute