77 Squadron Association Reunion 17 SEP 2017 Monument*Dinner*Halifax*Morning*Church*LINKS Updated: 26 SEP 2017


Foto:  Anders Straarup 17 SEP 2017 
Morgengudstjeneste med
 77 Squadron Association i Elvington Holy Trinity Church.

Photo:  Anders Straarup 17 SEP 2017
Morning prayer with the 77 Squadron Association at Elvington Holy Trinity Church.



Foto:  Anders Straarup 17 SEP 2017 
Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Bill Ballantyne lagde en krans ved listen over de faldne.
Han bar SINE medaljer på VENSTRE bryst.En slægtning kunne bære dem til højre.

Photo:  Anders Straarup 17 SEP 2017
Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Bill Ballantyne laid a wreath at the Roll of Honour.
He wore HIS medals on his LEFT side.A relative would wear them on his right side.