77 Squadron Association Reunion 16 SEP 2017 Monument*Dinner*Halifax*Morning*Church*LINKS Updated: 18 DEC 2017


Foto:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017
De 3 veteraner afslørede maleriet af Halifax III MZ695
(ikke Halifax III MZ924 KN-D)
restaureret af Brian Gaunt 2017.

Photo:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017 
The 3 veterans unveiled the painting of Halifax III MZ695
(not Halifax III MZ924 KN-D) restored by Brian Gaunt 2017.


Foto:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017 
rofessor Bill Ballantyne, pilot i 77 Squadron, udbragte en skål for 77 Squadron. 

Photo:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017
Professor Bill Ballantyne, 77 Squadron Pilot, proposed a toast for 77 Squadron.