77 Squadron Association Reunion 16 SEP 2017 Monument*Dinner*Halifax*Morning*Church*LINKS Updated: 09 OCT 2017


Foto:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017 
En af de 3 veteraner fra 77 Squadron lagde en krans ved dette mindesmærke ved indkørslen til Yorkshire Air Museum ved 77 Squadron Association Reunion 2017.

Photo:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017
One of the 3 veterans of 77 Squadron laid a wreath at this memorial at the gate
of the Yorkshire Air Museum at the 77 Squadron Association Reunion 2017.


Foto:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017 
Var man 20 år i 1945, vil man være 92 år i 2017 - hvis man stadig er her.

Hvert år bliver der færre veteraner.

Photo:  Anders Straarup 16 SEP 2017
If you were 20 years old in 1945 you will be 92 in 2017 - if you are still here.

Every year the number of veterans decreases.