Tranum Vadum 13 August 2013                                                                Updated:  19 AUG 2013

13 AUG 2013 Monument p022 BLE T1934 -
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - Monument p023 BLE R3913 - 8 - 9 - 10Vadum - 11 - 12


John Lart og borgmester Mogens Gade afslørede mindestenen for
besætningen på p022 BLENHEIM  T1934  Lart, Gillingham og Beeby.
John Larts onkel, Squadron Leader E. C. de Virac Lart, var leder af de
angribende fly.

John Lart and Mayor Mogens Gade unveiled the
 memorial stone to  
the crew of p022 BLENHEIM  T1934   Lart, Gillingham and Beeby.
John Lart's uncle, Squadron Leader E. C. de Virac Lart, was the leader
of the attacking planes.

The Last Post blev spillet på trompet af organist Henrik Skøtt, Torslev Kirke.

Kun 3 af de 4 faner ses på dette foto.

The Last Post was played on a trumpet by organist Henrik Skøtt, Torslev Kirke.

Only 3 of the 4 standards are seen in this photo.