Lancaster I PA163 - Lovns Bredning -  Monument                                                 Updated: 17 APR 2008

"På vej til Stettin blev et Lancaster fly med polsk besætning ramt at en tysk natjager. Flyet eksploderede
i luften og styrtede brændende i Lovns Bredning kort efter midnat." (FAF) Nedstyrtningsstedet i vandet var her (Kilde: Niels Erik Stampe). Denne mindesten omkring 400 m syd for Alstrup Kirke, Anneksvej 21, 9640 Farsø
er rejst ved kysten her med fin udsigt til Lovns Bredning på privat initiativ.
Datoen 30.8.1944 angiver da LAN PA163 styrtede ned.

Piloten, W.P. Wasik blev slynget væk fra maskinen ved eksplosionen og reddede sig i sin faldskærm. Læs hvordan W.P. Wasik blev hjulpet til Sverige. Hos gårdejer Gravesen Nielsen, der  rejste dette monument,
fik han sit første måltid i Danmark.
De andre 6 besætningsmedlemmer omkom ved styrtet og blev alle begravet i Aalestrup, efterhånden som de
blev fundet.

"Heading for Stettin a Lancaster with a Polish crew was hit by a German night fighter. The plane exploded
in the air and crashed burning into Lovns Bredning shortly after midnight." (FAF) The crash site in the water
was here (Source: Niels Erik Stampe). A memorial stone is erected about 400 m south of Alstrup Church, Anneksvej 21, 9640 DK-9640 Farsø at the coast here with a fine view of Lovns Bredning due to a private
" 9 April, 1940     Denmark occupied by Germans. The government carried on. 
29 August, 1943  The Danish government would not impose death penalty on Danish saboteurs.                           
The period of cooperation ended. The government resigned. The Germans took control.
30 August 1944   LAN PA163 crashed in the waters in front of this monument.
The world groaned assaulted with savagery
the country was ravaged and its shield was broken.
I call you to meet the challenge of these times.
Guard your honour, your faith and your heritage."

P/O (Pilot) W.P. Wasik was thrown clear of the plane at the explosion and his parachute saved him.
Read how W.P. Wasik was helped to evade to Sweden.
He got his first meal in Denmark on the farm of Gravesen Nielsen, who erected this monument.
The other 6 members of the crew perished in the crash and were alle buried in Aalestrup in the course of time
as they were found.