B 24H 42-52569 - Saksfjedgård, Lolland - Information  Photo: Bent Hansen, Lolland Kommune    Updated:  16 MAY 2010


Om Mindesmærke for flyvere fra B24 42-52569.
Informationstavle maj 2010 fra
Lolland Kommune, der hurtigt svarede positivt på forslag om
at erstatte den meget gamle
og helt ødelagte tavle rejst af
Holeby Kommune. Teksten
er gengivet uden ændringer.





About Memorial to airmen of B24 42-52569. Information table May 2010 from the Municipality of Lolland, which quickly gave a positive response to a proposal of replacing the very old and deteriorated table from the then Municipality of Holeby. The text is unchanged.

”The memorial to allied airmen, Lungholm reclamation ground
The memorial stone stands in a memorial grove in the middle of a field between Tangvej and the draining canal.
The stone is erected where an American bomber crashed on 9 April 1944.

2 airmen were found killed in the plane. The 3rd bailed out and was killed on impact. The 3 perished airmen were buried at Svinø and later transferred to Belgium.
The stone is in rough granite with carved letters painted black. The badge of the United States Army Air Force is at the top of the stone.

Forest E. Kayser, Portsmouth, Ohio * Zvonomir Sambol, Chicago, Illinois * Gerrard Horton, Dallas, Texas *  9 April 1944
Foreign warriors sank victoriously * We remember you gave us freedom * Erected in gratitude by residents of the area

The text was composed by graduate engineer Thorkild Balslev Nielsen. Farmer Alfred Krag, Sjælstofte took the initiative for the memorial.
The costs were covered by a public subscription. All of the work to erect the stone was done without pay. Fishermen from Lundehøje provided the stone.”