Fotos fra Philsons besøg i 1980 - Photos from Philson's visit in 1980 
Via Kristian Zouaoui  Updated:  09 FEB 2012 Omkring PhilsonAround Philson


"Philson landede på den lyse mark øverst
til højre og gemte faldskærmen i hegnet før han
løb ned ad skråningen mod venstre

"Philson landed in the bright field at the top
to the left and hid his parachute in the hedge
before he ran down along the slope to the left

"Hamish Philson - Coralie Philson 17-7-1980"


"Hamish Philson - Coralie Philson 17-7-1980"









"Hamish Philson 17-7-1980 v. Havløkkegård, Belle.
Han landede på marken bag det høje træ i faldkærm."
PS. Det var syd for Havløkkegård, som
er her.

"Hamish Philson at Havløkkegaard, Belle on 17-7-1980.
With his parachute he landed in the field behind the tall tree."
PS. It was south of Havløkkegaard which
is here.