From David Whiting                        Updated:  19 JUN 2017


Lancaster LL950 * Memorial stone
On 13 May 2014 David Whiting sent this:
This letter is from the Danish Bacon Company to my maternal grandmothers
2nd husband, Roy Farrant.

My mother Lady Dowding, recounts in her autobiography (pages 79 - 80)
‘Beauty - not the Beast’ that her stepfather, Mr. Farrant, had met this man from
the DBC by chance while travelling on a train from our home town of Tunbridge Wells,
Kent, to the south coast.  They were talking about how the war had been in Denmark,
when the man said he owned a farm and that on the night of 22 May 1944 one of the
English Lancasters was flying towards Norway.  The German planes came after it
and it was shot down.  

Den 13. maj 2014 sendte David Whiting dette:
Dette brev er fra Danish Bacon Company til Roy Farrant, gift med min bedstemor på min
mors side Lady Dowding i hendes andet ægteskab:

Min mor Lady Dowding fortæller i sin selvbiografi (siderne 79 - 80) "Skønhed - ikke udyret"
at hendes stedfar Mr. Farrant havde mødt denne mand fra DBC tilfældigt, da
han rejste i tog fra vores hjemby Tunbridge Wells i Kent til sydkysten. De talte om hvordan krigen havde været i Danmark, da manden sagde, at han havde en gård og
at den 22. maj 1944 var et af de engelske Lancaster-fly på vej mod Norge. De tyske fly kom efter det, og det blev skudt ned.