Doris Hendrick                                          Photo: Elisabeth Ege Olsen                                      Updated:  12 SEP 2022

Doris Hendrick ved gravstenen for F/Sgt Benjamin J. Hudson Assens Kirkegård
og ved mindestenen for besætningen på LAN ME726. Klik for at se hende ved Propellen.
Doris Hendrick ses som den unge brud i artiklen Danes seek to honour relatives of war crash RAF crew.
Benjamin Hudson og hun havde 2 døgn sammen efter brylluppet - og de så aldrig hinanden mere!
Hun giftede sig igen i 1947. Hendes datter Maureen Letts var med i Assens i 2004. Hun svarede på et spørgsmål:
"Tak fordi du har taget min mors historie med på din hjemmeside. Uniformen er fra WAAF association som min mor var aktivt
medlem af fra 1990 til hun blev syg i 2006 (hun døde i september 2006). Foreningen består af tidligere medlemmer af
Women's Auxiliary Air Force - et kvindeligt hjælpekorps. Min mor meldte sig i 1941 som 18-årig og tjente krigen ud.
Hun var korporal og det er hvor hun mødte Benny, og mod slutningen af krigen min far. Jeg har stadig den uniform hun bærer,
og gemmer den sammen med masser af fotos og minder og alt om vore besøg i Gamtofte." (Se mere i engelsk version.)

Doris Hendrick at the headstone of F/Sgt Benjamin J. Hudson in Assens Cemetery and at the memorial
to the crew of
LAN ME726. Click to see her at The propeller.
Doris Hendrick
is the young bride in the article
Danes seek to honour relatives of war crash RAF crew.
Benjamin Hudson and she had a honeymoon of 48 hours - and they never met again! She remarried in 1947.
Her daughter Maureen Letts joined her on her visit to Assens in 2004. She answered to a question:
Thank you for including my mother's story on your site.  The uniform which she is wearing in the photographs is that of the
WAAF association of which my mother was an active member from 1990 until she became ill in 2006 ( she died in September
2006).  This association is made up of ex members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.  My mother joined up in 1941 aged
18 and remained in  the service until the end of the war.  She was a corporal and this is where she met Benny, and towards
the end of the war my father.  I still have the uniform she is wearing and keep this together with lots of photographs and
mementoes and also everything to do with our visits to Gamtofte."

Doris Hendrick
is mentioned here in the Daily Telegraph archive. See more WAAFs at BBC WW2 People´s War.

Tusinder af unge flyvere mistede livet i kamp. Endnu en ung kvinde blev alene, da LAN EE138 styrtede nær Stadil i Jylland.
Det lange farvel (film, 21 min. from TV/MIDT-VEST) om Jessie Bowler, enke efter Sgt E.A.C. Thirkettle. Se flere Kvinder.

Thousands of young airmen lost their lives in battle. Another young woman was left alone, when LAN EE138 crashed near Stadil in Jutland.
Det lange farvel The long Farewell (film, 21 min. from TV/MIDT-VEST) about Jessie Bowler, the widow of Sgt E.A.C. Thirkettle.
The narrator and others speak Danish, but there are several parts of an interview in English with this strong woman. See more Women.