Lancaster III ND478 - Near Faaborg - propeller in Skarrild      På dansk    Photos: Poul D. Kæseler   Updated: 27 OCT 2022 
 Propeller from LAN ND478, Faaborg at Skarrild Museum with exhibition about The grave of the Lancaster Crew - LAN ME650 crashed at Skarrild. 

In the photo to the right you see
Skarrild Churchyard and just in front of the propeller you see the top of the wall behind this plot.

On 15 February 1944 at 19.58 LAN ND478 crashed very near Faaborg while it was targeting Berlin on a bombing raid. Debris from the plane were scattered over an
area of about 2 km2 on "The Sound" and "The Count´s Meadow". Bombs on the plane were detonated with an enourmous bang, and about 100 big shop windows in
the town were broken. (Source: FAF)

In 1973 (?) Mogens Skyttegaard Nielsen in the middle of the meadow "The Sound" (later changed into a lake) found a part of the plane, which Falck helped to dig up.
It was one of the 4 propellers with engine! It was in the middle of the present lake, here. In 1944 "Grevens Eng", (The Count´s Meadow) was situated west of the
lake and right north of Markedspladsen (The Market Place), where there are now modern buildings. Even further to the west is Engvej, where 4 airmen were found. Faaborg Sygehus (Faaborg Hospital) is just west of Æblehaven (The Orchard).

After some time where nobody wanted the engine and the propeller, the engine came into an old gravel pit and grocer Schmith in Svindinge got the propeller in his
garden. After his death Svend E. Andersen, Svindinge and Poul D. Kæseler, Skarrild, managed to get the propeller to
Skarrild-Karstoft Museum where there is
a Remembrance Room in honour of the Lancaster Crew of LAN ME650 crashed near Skarrild. It was placed
here in front of Skarrild-Karstoft Museum og Lokalarkiv
near Skarrild Churchyard in 2007, just before the annual celebration of the liberation of Denmark
on 5 May. (Source: Conversations March 2008). 

See monument at Faaborg moved from the crash area about 200 m to the east to its present place in 1996.
See also Lancaster photos.