B 17F 42-30164 - Kiel Bugt (Bay)                                                                       Updated: 17 AUG 2021

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
e777235.htm Benson C J Sgt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e556008.htm Boyd O W Sgt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e556a e556a.htm Ardennes, B
o888300.htm Brown W W 1stLt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 o888 o888.htm POW
e777233.htm Drotleff W P Sgt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e667017.htm Forrest R F Sgt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e667 e667.htm USA
e667016.htm Forrest N B BGen USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e667 e667.htm USA
o888301.htm Gannon V J 1stLt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 o888 o888.htm POW
e777232.htm McNutt Jr. R L 1stLt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e777n e777n.htm NO - NET
e667018.htm Scavotto D V 1stLt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e667 e667.htm USA
e556007.htm Stirwalt H A Capt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e556a e556a.htm Ardennes, B
u096063.htm Thimm W J 1stLt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 b200743 c096.htm Svinø
e777234.htm Triches Jr. A S/Sgt USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e777c e777c.htm NO - CAM
e667047.htm Wilder A W Major USAAF 334 p187.htm B17 4230164 Bomb G Kiel Bugt (Bay) d130643 e667 e667.htm USA
13. juni 1943 angreb 60 B-17 fra USAAF ubådsanlæggene i Kiel. 16 B-17 fra 95. BG fløj forrest i formationen, der allerede blev angrebet under indflyvningen
til målet. Som sædvanlig angreb de tyske jagermaskiner især den forreste del af formationen, og inden denne havde passeret målet var 7-8 B-17 fra 95. BG gået tabt.
En B-17 ude af kontrol fløj ind i en anden, og kun 6 B-17 fra 95. BG nåede tilbage til basen, hvoraf en blev ødelagt under nødlanding.

13. juni 1943 Østersøen nær Kiel. Boeing B17F, 42-30164 (BG- ) 334 BS, 95 BG, 4 BW, 402 PCBW, Framlingham, Suffolk (Kiel)

I spidsen for formationen fløj Captain H. A. Stirwalt med Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest som ekstra observatør. Foruden den nyligt forfremmede 38-årige var Squadron Commander Major A. W. Wilder og Group Navigator 1st Lt. V. J. Gannon. Ved det første angreb blev flyet ramt i cockpittet og motor no. 4 begyndte at ryge. Flyet sakkede agterud, men over målet lå det atter i spidsen og alle bomber blev kastet.

Umiddelbart efter blev flyet angrebet frontalt af 3 tyske jagere, og det gled langsomt ud af formationen med flere motorer i brand, og med haleplanet delvist skudt af.
Otte faldskærme blev observeret, men kun 2 besætningsmedlemmer overlevede. General Forrest blev senere erklæret »missing in action« og blev dermed den første faldne amerikanske general under 2. verdenskrig. (FT 86-89-13)

1 flyver fra B17 4230164 blev begravet på Svinø, 2 i Belgien og 4 i USA. 3 uden kendt grav mindes i CAMBRIDGE og 1 i NETHERLANDS.
2 blev taget til Tyske krigsfangelejre.

B17 4229702 * B17 423286 * B17 4230118 * B17 4229675 * B17 423187 * B17 4230164 styrtede alle ned i dele af Østersøen.

Se tegning af besætningen på en B-17, Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i airmen.dk samt B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner. 13 flyvere.

On 13 June 1943 60 B-17s from the USAAF attacked the U-boat pens in Kiel. 16 B-17s from 95th BG flew at the front of the formation which was attacked on
the bombing run to the target. As usual the German fighters particularly attacked the front of the formation, and before it had passed the target 7-8 B-17s from 95th
BG were lost. One B-17 out of control collided with another, and only 6 B-17s from 95th BG made it back to base - and one of them was destroyed in a forced landing.

13 June 1943 the Baltic Sea near Kiel. Boeing B17F, 42-30164 (BG- ) 334 BS, 95 BG, 4 BW, 402 PCBW, Framlingham, Suffolk (Kiel)

Pilot Captain H. A. Stirwalt led the formation with the newly appointed Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest, 38, as an extra observer together with Squadron Commander Major A. W. Wilder and Group Navigator 1st Lt V. J. Gannon. During the first attack the plane was hit in the cockpit and smoke came from engine no. 4.
The plane fell behind, but over the target it was again the lead plane and all bombs were dropped.

Right after that the plane was attacked head on by 3 German fighters, and it slowly dropped out of the formation with engines on fire. Parts of the tail plane had been
shot off. 8 parachutes were seen, but only 2 crew members survived. Later General Forrest was declared "Missing in action", and in that way he became the first American General to perish during World War II. (FT 86-89-13)

2 airmen from B17 4230164 were buried at Svinø, 2 in Belgium, and 4 in the U.S.A. 3 without a known grave are remembered at CAMBRIDGE, 1 at NETHERLANDS
2 airmen were taken to
German POW-Camps.

B17 4229702 * B17 423286 * B17 4230118 * B17 4229675 * B17 423187 * B17 4230164 all crashed in parts of the Baltic Sea.

See a drawing of the crew of a B-17, Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in airmen.dk and B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner.
This B-17 was from 334 BS, 95 BG. 95th Bomb Group Horham * It took off from RAF Framlingham (Parham) - USAAF Station 153. 13 airmen.