Tarm - Englændergraven - The British War Graves - Monument Photo: Knud Riis rksk Updated:  09 JUN 2011


Tarm, 2 flyvere. 

Englændergraven i krydset Østermarkvej/Aadumvej
200 m øst for Ådumvej 6, 6880 Tarm i Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune.

Dette er indviet jord. Se historien om Englændergravene.

Se øjenvidneberetning af Knud Raunkjær
på siden Danmarks Befrielse 5. maj 1945.

Tarm, 2 airmen.
Tarm Isolated Graves (CWGC-name)
British War Graves at the crossroads Østermarkvej/Aadumvej

200 m east of Ådumvej 6, DK-6880 Tarm in the Municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern.

This is consecrated ground. See the story about the British War Graves.

Harvey James Porter 2.3 1920 - 12.3 1945
Donald Morris 24.11 1924 - 12.3 1945
Royal Australian Air Force
The hand of the enemy laid them in the ground of Denmark.
Friends erected this memorial as thanks that never got words.